Research Projects
The IU Indianapolis Arts and Humanities Institute is home to two research projects: The Anthropocenes Network and the Cultural Ecologies Project.
Both projects provide undergraduate and graduate research opportunities, a PhD track, community engaged scholarship, and public programs.
The Anthropocenes Network is an international, transdisciplinary, collaborative network of scholars in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts; policy makers; community-based practitioners; and artists committed to developing innovative interventions in environmental research, pedagogy, and policy.
The network provides an infrastructure to pursue theoretical and applied scholarship in dialogue with experts across the disciplines. Affiliated research projects have a strong community-engagement component that ranges from the hyperlocal to the translocal.
The Cultural Ecologies Project is a public research, learning, and residency program of the IU Indianapolis Arts & Humanities Institute (IAHI). It asks the seemingly simple question, “How do cultural interventions transform cities?” We work with community stakeholders to both develop and examine the impact of the arts and humanities across multiple scales — from the personal to the neighborhood to the city level. We develop new platforms for collaboration as well as new models for formal and informal learning. Our goal is to provide artists, cultural organizations, funders, policy makers, and others with:
- A central research center that can offer expertise in cultural planning, research, assessment, evaluation, and reporting.
- A suite of open access tools to help individuals and organizations continuously assess their cultural programming.
- Reports that contextualize Indianapolis’ arts and humanities environment within national and international conversations and practices.
- A model for cultural analysis and planning that can be replicated and scaled to meet the needs of other cities.
- An applied PhD program that supports the community by embedding students in cultural organizations and prepares them for jobs in the cultural sector.
- Residency programs that spark collaborations and investigate innovative approaches to equitable cultural action.
- Educational programs that develop new ways of thinking and doing.
Cultural Ecologies Research
Cultural Ecologies Public Programs
Cultural Ecologies Student Opportunities